
Ep 103: Tired of/from Learning

Kelly Locke


The Learn Along has people doing everything from brioche socks to knitting with a Shetland knitting belt. Marsha talks about learning agility and piano and Kelly is getting close to the end of a semester of learning.  Join the community on Ravelry and discuss the episode, or contact us with your thoughts at twoewes@twoewesfiberadventures.com

Kelly's Projects

Kelly finished the Running Water cardigan and has worn it three times.  The fit is great and it is so soft and warm.

Since the last episode she started and finished a pair of Jo’s Perfect Slipper Socks. Two strands of fingering weight. From Cozy Up knits. Found out about it from the Cozy Up Knits youtube show. Four Canadian Prairie sisters who knit and design patterns.

Kelly has also started a gift knit. She’s making the Unice Unicorn Hood for her grandniece.  The hood is done, she is now putting on the fringe that makes the mane.  She is making it as a horse and not putting on the unicorn horn. 

Marsha's Projects

Marsha has made very little progress on her existing projects.

Slack Tide -  Poststitch

Rabbit - Claire Garland

Cloud Cover - Heidi Kirrmaier

She is getting “back on the horse” by knitting a pair of “vanilla” socks with Austerman Step with heels and toes in Knit Picks Stroll. Both are spirit yarns from the NoCKRs detash room. 

Learn Along

Catherine Knuttson, (smallbirdworkshop on Ravelry) has donated patterns. Her website is smallbirdworkshop.com where she has yarn and patterns.  Her patterns are also available on Ravelry.  Marsha and I each were given a code for a pattern, too.  I’m looking hard at Blue Spruce, but haven’t made a decision yet. She has a collection of patterns that are good for variegated yarns.  Check out her pattern page on Ravelry

To see all the wonderful learning that people did during the Learn Along, visit the FO thread in our Ravelry group. Listen to the show to see who won the drawing!

Patron Drawing

We randomly selected a Daring Adventurer to win the drawing! If you'd like to become a patron, visit patreon.com/twoewes

One of our patrons contacted us about the Weavolution online weaving guild and website.  Kelly joined but hasn’t had a chance to poke around on the website yet. They have groups and patterns and classes available for purchase.

Book Giveaway ends December 16.

Stephany Wilkes has donated a copy of her book Raw Material: Working Wool in the West.

Make a comment in the thread on our Two Ewes Ravelry Group to be entered. Stephany has another book event at Books Inc. in Berkeley, California on January 8, 2019 at 7 pm.  In February she will be speaking at the Treadles to Threads guild meeting February 27 in Contra Costa.

Marsha got to see Stephany in Seattle at the  Eileen Fisher Renew store for a reading of her book Raw Material: Working Wool in the West and a panel discussion.  Also on the panel was Kathy Hatori of Botanical Colors. Her dyes are used as overdyes for Renew. She has a studio located in Fremont neighborhood of Seattle. She sells natural dyes for designers and artists.

Eileen Fisher Renew  takes back clothes with a $5 credit. They repair, overdye, reconstruct and then resell the recycled clothing online and in stores.

Marsha also talked about the New York Times article about American Giant trying to make flannel in US.  The Annals of Flannel

And speaking of flannel and fabric. Kelly has sewing acquisitions! She purchased some Huston Textiles climate beneficial cloth (red), and some Vreseis brown cotton flannel. 

She already has natural climate beneficial cloth.  A fabric stash is forming. Sally Fox, owner of Vreseis was recently  interviewed on Yarn Stories Podcast  by Miriam Felton.  

Our email address is twoewes@twoewesfiberadventures.com   We’d love to hear from you!

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1 comment

  • Great article it is very helpful astros sequin jacket and informative content good work. Keep it up.

    William Henry

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