
Fiber Arts Heartbreak

Marsha Failor

Our Summer Spin In is in progress. What do you have on your wheel? Plus we report on our project successes and tragic failures.

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Marsha’s Projects

Sweet Baby Cardigan by Alena Byers: Calling it finished! Will get buttons in the next few days. Used Blue Sky Fiber Printed Organic Cotton and Hikoo by Skacel Simplicity Solid. 

Gray and forest green baby jacket

Mountain High Combo Spin #3: Finished but I’m heartbroken. Sweater felted when I blocked it. Such beautiful handspun and it headed to the trash. I’ve lost my mojo.

Socks: The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Finished first sock and cast on second sock.

Kelly’s Projects

The Wine and Cheese socks are finished.

Burgundy and gold hand knit socks

Mother Bears: Two more crocheted bears finished. (5 total)


Five crocheted bears all stand together on a shelf.

Added another strip and a half to the woven squares blanket

Almost finished carding about a pound of Jazzman (CVM x Merino x Columbia). Soft gray with some brown. This is a pretty fine fleece, very clean and well sheared. 

Talk about my carding technique and other options for fleece prep. (Hand cards, combing, flicking.)

Weaving project: Pride dishtowels decided they needed to get on the loom.

red, orange, green and blue threads warped onto a table loom.

Summer Spin In

Started Memorial Day - Ends on Labor Day

May 27 - September 2

Tour de Fleece

June 29-July 21 along with the Tour de France

Spin every day of the tour.

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1 comment

  • I am listening to your podcast Fiber Arts Heartbreak and I sooo get it. The amount of time, love, devotion and emotional energy you spend on making anything handmade is phenomenal. So when something like this happens it is totally understandable that you feel the loss with every part of you.
    I liken it to my pottery. I will take a piece of clay which is essentially mud and mould that into a functional piece of pottery. Or a sculptural piece of art. Then I will spend hours decorating it. Firstly I spend time designing what I want. Secondly, perfecting the design, thirdly multiple attempts at design elements might be attempted and reattempted. Kind of like frogging not to mention it has to also go through multiple firing processes. At any one of these stages it can break. And some of these pieces are intricate and have intricate designs. There is nothing so soul destroying as pulling a large platter out of the final firing of the kiln only to see that it has cracked in half.
    So let yourself grieve. We all understand. I do hope you get your mojo back soon.


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