
Ep 60: The Power of Clicking Needles

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

Marsha and Kelly both attended marches and they talk about the experience.  So many knitters made so many Pussyhats!

The Ewes have also been thinking about 2017 goals. The political realm, along with some personal challenges of the past year, have played a part in that thought process.

The Women's March website and the Indivisible Guide website are both mentioned in this episode.  

If you are a new...

Ep 59: Completion, Compost, and Climate Change

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

We review our 2016 achievements and have a Fibershed segment where our minds are blown by discovering that compost can help mitigate climate change. 

Marsha's Projects

Marsha is almost finished with her #PussyHatProject hat for the Women's March that will be held in Seattle.  Other than that, she has been working exclusively on her Great Poncho Adventure project. She is making the Rodeo Drive...

Ep 58b: The Ewes Knit Seattle

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

Seattle!  The Two Ewes are together in the Emerald City.  Knitting hats, hitting the yarn shops, and having a great start to 2017!

Kelly arrived on January 5 to a partly snowy Seattle.  It was a quick, three-day trip, and they managed to see three yarn shops.  Hear about the visit in this short episode with the ewes recording together.

Some highlights of the trip were the felted chair at Maker's...

Ep 58: Plying Solo

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

In Episode 47 Kelly talked about handspun singles.  In this episode she talks about plying handspun yarn and the properties of plied yarn for knitters who are buying commercial yarn. 

She talks about
  • what plying is and how it works, 
  • why spinners might ply yarn, and 
  • the number of plies and their effect on yarn.
She also gives tips for yarn buyers and tips for handspinners. 

The pictures below are a...

Ep 57: Percolators, Ponchos, and Pendleton Woolens

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

Podcasting about percolators, ponchos, and Pendleton woolens.  Plus, we have winners of the two giveaways!

Marsha's Projects

Marsha is making good progress on the Rodeo Drive poncho by Staci Perry.  She has been focused on this one project and is making good progress.  This despite a cabling accident caused by "knitting while podcasting" two weeks ago. 

Rodeo Drive Poncho.

Kelly's Projects

Kelly is...