Podcast — bees

Ep 71: Spinning Our Wheels

Kelly Locke

Tags bees, knitting, podcast, spinning


In this episode Kelly and Marsha talk spinning! Plus we give updates on current knitting projects and news about upcoming events, including the Monterey County Wool Show and Fleece Judging.

Ep 50: Knitters are Like Astronauts

Two Ewes

Tags auction, bees, dyeing, knitting, podcast, wool

Our monogamous knitting continues, but the wool fleece auction, bees, and planning for upcoming fiber events has kept life interesting!

Project Updates

Marsha continues to work on Frank's Spirt Yarn Afghan using the pattern from Stephen West called Garter Squish. She loves how the afghan keeps changing with each additional color. The afghan currently is about six feet wide and about 36" long.


Ep 17: What I'm Not Knitting

Two Ewes

Tags bees, chickens, KAL, knitting, podcast, review

Subscribe on iTunes here, on Stitcher Radio here.  

In this episode we give an update on the projects we are working on, or in Kelly's case, projects she is not working on. Keep reading to learn why. We also review the new pattern book Wanderlust: 46 Modern Knits for Bohemian Style  by Tanis Gray, published in March 2015 by Interweave/F+W.

The book retails for $18.99 US and $20.99 Canadian....