Podcast — podcast

Ep 50: Knitters are Like Astronauts

Two Ewes

Tags auction, bees, dyeing, knitting, podcast, wool

Our monogamous knitting continues, but the wool fleece auction, bees, and planning for upcoming fiber events has kept life interesting!

Project Updates

Marsha continues to work on Frank's Spirt Yarn Afghan using the pattern from Stephen West called Garter Squish. She loves how the afghan keeps changing with each additional color. The afghan currently is about six feet wide and about 36" long.


Ep 49: Yikes! Project Monogamy

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

Knitting monogamy and the fall semester have combined to reduce the yarn crafting of the Two Ewes this episode.  Both are making progress on their Epic Adventures, though.

Project Updates

Kelly has finished all the squares needed for the quilt that she started over 30 years ago.  Now on to the sewing together! 

Kelly also started a new sock project for meeting knitting.  The Angler's Loop socks...

Ep 48: Epic Projects and She Should've Worn Camo Underpants

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

Civil War Socks, two epic projects, and a few rants from the Two Ewes are on the episode this week!

Finished and Started

Kelly finished the Civil War Socks (pattern by Karin Timour) and they fit her husband perfectly.  The choices of yarn color were made as a result of reading this Civil War discussion board post.

Marsha finished prepping the yarn for Frank's Spirit Yarn Afghanand she has cast on....

Ep 47: Knitting with Handspun Singles

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

Spinning, dyeing moth-proof yarn, crocheting bears, and knitting handspun singles are adventures in this episode. Kelly gives an extensive review of knitting with handspun singles so that spinners will know how to use their yarn without always plying it. Marsha has been researching the meaning of the old-fashioned "moth-proofing" that was done to her spirit yarn. We hope that both topics are...

Ep 46: Fun with Math, Color, and Sheep Labor

Two Ewes

Tags dyeing, knitting, podcast, spinning

Math, over-dyeing, color theory, and an interesting discussion of the Faroe Islands join knitting and spinning in the topics of this episode.

Kelly's Projects

Kelly has won the battle with the first of the Civil War socks.  Several adjustments for fit were needed, but the finished sock is now perfect and it is on to the second one.
Sock 1 is done!

The only other knitting has been on the NoCKRs shawl...