Bonus! Wool Auction Sneak Peek!
A bonus episode with a sneak preview of 100 fleeces that will be at the 2018 Monterey County Fair Wool Auction on September 3.
Ep 95: Alaska, Socks, and Fresh Starts
Knitting and weaving plus Alaska, sock recipes, and fresh starts in this longer-than-usual episode.
Ep 94: Sweater Math Resources and More
Sweater fit, math for pattern modifications, and a way to help sheep farmers impacted by California wildfires join the usual project updates in this episode. Join the Ewes for all this and more!
Ep 93: Gathering Together
The Two Ewes are back home after a fun weekend at The Black Sheep Gathering. This year the festival was held in Albany, Oregon June 29th - July 1st. Kelly and Marsha discuss the highlights of festival.
Ep 92: Sweaters and Blankets in Summer
Spinning and weaving projects are working down Kelly's stash, while Marsha finished a cardigan. The Ewes also discuss linen, based on a listener question. They're also in planning mode, thinking ahead to the trip to Black Sheep Gathering and projects that will work for that trip.