Ep 83: One Ewe's Year in Rev-EWE
Kelly looks back over the year 2017 and shares her best projects, the most popular podcast episodes, and interesting facts about the listener base. Marsha has a bad cold with a cough--not a good mix with podcasting.
Ep 82: Finished, Finished, and Nearly Finished
Two finished projects and an almost finished project are the big knitting topics this week. Marsha continues to combo spin and Kelly starts a weaving project. Thanks to all who visited the Two Ewes Shop during the Shop Small sale and supported the making of this podcast!
Ep 81: Compost Bins and Combo Spins
Monogamous sweater knitting, a little yarn dyeing for the Two Ewes Shop, and some weaving homework for Marsha are all featured this episode.
Ep 80: Shop Small Flocks--a special episode
Visit the Two Ewes Shop, twoewesfiberadventures.com between November 24 and December 10. Use the promo code shopsmall2017 to get free shipping on all orders of $20 or more. Listen for more information!
Ep 79: Busy as Bees in November
The Ewes are busy and so are the bees! Knitting with yarn from the Two Ewes Shop, combo-spin mania continues, charity hats, camping trips and a host of other topics make for a bonus-sized episode.